Wednesday, May 23, 2012

reading list

The problem with borrowing books from the library is that you don't get to keep them indefinitely (I'm a slow reader).
Another problem I've considered and need to look into is how my not buying books affects the author. Do they get paid just the once when the copy is purchased for the library?
 I wonder if it is tied into circulation in any way. 

Anyway, my book queue overfloweth:

1. The Gastronomical Me by MFK Fisher
2. Taste What You're Missing by Barb Stuckey
3. The Food Revolution by John Robbins
4. The China Study by T. Colin Campbell
5. Culinary Intelligence by Peter Kaminsky
6. The Table Comes First by Adam Gopnik
7. How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman

I also can't get enough of Stella books. Luckily, neither can Maya.
 Stella Fairy of the Forest by Marie-Louise Gay

 And we stumbled upon these books @ the library: math via a story. 
The Sundae Scoop by Stuart Murphy

And, not to leave Atwood out.
He's enjoying Mink River by Brian Doyle.

What are you, dear ones, reading these days?
I'm all set on nonfiction but I'd love some fiction suggestions.
And of course anything you think OM might enjoy.


SeasonE said...

I always love seeing your suggestions. This is our reading list:
The Chemistry of Tears by Peter Carey
Tallulah's Tutu by Marilyn Singer
Amelia Bedelia books
Have a good day!

carrie said...

Maisie (and I) loved Petra Mathers' books.