Friday, August 31, 2012

typical family photo

trust me, it's us:)

and another from our fabulous sojourn south...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Reorganized Legos

Owen use to have one giant basket filled with all of his legos, which made it difficult to find the red light saber (not the blue one) and Squidward's face right when he wanted it.

So, we fished out all the body parts and put those in a bowl and fished out all the tiny pieces and put those in a Bell Jar and left all the bigger pieces in the basket.

For now this way is working just great.
Owen and Maya have spent hours in imaginative play, creating new bodies and scenarios for all their little people to participate in.

Woo Hoo for (re)organization!

Friday, August 10, 2012

stinkin' moles

I took that video in May, just three short months ago.
Our backyard was lovely then.

One month later the moles moved in and destroyed it.
These pictures are from this morning.

Stinkin' moles!

I utter that statement every morning when I let Star out and discover the newest hole in the backyard.

On the upside, I adore my sweet little family: