Friday, September 23, 2011

make it a healthy day!

Another cool talk by Ken Robinson...

And another great film about our food supply and why we have to change the way we eat...

Also, check out Food Day. It's coming up.

Alright, so this is it. Happy OM is closing up shop to the public.
The email will go out soon.

Eat Real, America!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Another beautiful post over @ Yo-Yo Reggio! today. 
She always gets me to pause and really reflect about my parenting and OM's development and how I can nourish it (and feel a little guilty about putting so much effort into acquiring those coveted shoes).
This post a few months ago was especially lovely.
Keep it up Elise! You're such a lovely writer and you make me want to do a better mama-job:)

And over @ Monkey See they have an amusing write-up about the new Twilight film. They crack me up. The last book did get a little ridiculous.

Can't wait to see it though! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

mad for Missoni

Holy cow!

I should have known buying those sweet little flats would not be easy
Because, if me of all people A) has heard of Missoni and B) knows ahead of time that Target will carry an affordable line of theirs then mass chaos will certainly ensue.

I considered this a bit last night before I went to bed and briefly entertained the idea of showing up to Target @ 8am right when it opened to get my shoes. But Maya had her 4-year-check-up @ 8:15 and that would be too close to make it. And as much as I loved those shoes, ya know, I love Maya more.

So we rolled in to Tar-jay @ 9:30am and every single Missoni item was gone. 
Every single one. 
I heard some of the employee's talking about it saying there was a line before the store opened and then when the store opened there was running and screaming and are you kidding me? 

I am so glad I was not part of that spectacle. 
But I really should have known that all those Portland hipsters and fashionistas would roll out into the burbs they loathe to buy in surplus the trendy discounted duds.

Whatever. Oh well. Who cares.

Except, dangit. They're so super cute.

I got home and checked the internet. No luck. The site was down. Bummer. 
So, I then called my always hip and up for a fashion-challenge sister and gave her a mission (she had already successfully bought several items online in the east-coast AM and was shocked I even knew what was going on).

I had five browser windows open to the website and she said she would work the internet too. Meanwhile she called her local Target (in Gainesville, FL) and they still had the rain boots (I totally wanted to check them out since I'm 10 years into Oregon and still don't have a pair). Sweet! They put them on hold. 

Deb suggested I call Dad.

I called Dad and asked him if he was up for a little adventure. 
He was. 
Before I even fully disclosed my shoe size he was out the door and on and his way.♥

Then Deb called and said she had successfully gotten online and ordered me the flats in a 9.5! 
What the? I don't get how she's so much better at this then me.

They sold out right after that. 

(This was all very reminiscent of the time in the mid-90's when I tried to get Pearl Jam tickets the year they decided to tell Ticketmaster to suck it. They used some fledgling company that could not handle the volume of tickets or calls coming in (this was pre cell phones and no internet). We heard busy signals for hours and never got tickets. Boo!)

My dad called and said he scored the last size 9. Sweet, I'll take them.
I had hoped to try them on because I'm anywhere between a 9-10 and it's hard to know. I'll return what doesn't work.

Is anyone still reading?
It feels good to get it out. :)
In summary: I have a pair of size 9.5 and size 9 flats and one pair of rainboots on their way. 
What a day!

BTW, Maya is the bravest 4-year-old ever. I promised her no shots but the pediatrician said we could skip the flu clinic and just get the shot right then. When I asked her if it was okay to get a shot today she looked at us, rolled up her sleeve to expose her bicep, and said, "sure!"

Didn't even flinch when they gave it to her. 
What a girl!

Monday, September 12, 2011

tomorrow @ Target...

I'm buying these.
Can't wait.

Today while I was cutting out pieces for Owen's rollie pollie (yes, this will be the third freaking cover; hopefully my sewing skills have improved enough to hold up a little longer) Maya was watching Sesame Street and I loved this sweet clip:

Make it a great day!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I love this video. 
As I moan about my running preparations for the 1/2 marathon I have coming up (yesterday 8 miles, ugh!) and preparing my new class, I keep this guy in mind (he's in college!). 
How Bad Do You Want It from Greyskale Multimedia LLC on Vimeo.

Friday, September 2, 2011

summer bounty, summer school, sunflowers & other stuff

Our lovely garden turned out some delicious veggies this summer.
Those zucchinis got turned into these enchiladas.

We didn't grow any fruit but we ate (and are still, peaches) the sweetest, juiciest fruit. 

Late spring, early summer I brought in a bowl of this lettuce every day. 
I was eating salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I've never had such fresh tasting lettuce. Ever.

Um, I think we planted the carrots too close together. (They didn't turn out so hot.)

We've been hanging at O's new school every week so he can get use to the new big kid scene.

The sunflowers!

This is how they started out in late June...

Maya jumping around on her rebounder before swim class...

And Maya getting a glass of water with her preferred stemware...

Tonight is family movie night (# something on the Summer List...I'm too lazy to see what number). We're watching My Neighbor Totoro.
We can't get enough of the Studio Ghibli films (namely, Ponyo but also Castle in the Sky).

We're also making popcorn which is somewhere on the list (we're at least 2 years into no microwave so I mean, on the stove popcorn).

Hope you're having fun finishing up your Summer Lists too!