Friday, July 31, 2009


These are from Maya's birthday..unbelievable! What little angels.

They had their two-year and four-year check-ups today. O's still rolling 75th percentile for height and weight and Maya is still 80th for height and 25th for weight.

Owen had a vision test for the first time which was so sweet and amusing. As the objects (they use pictures instead of letters for little guys) got smaller and smaller he'd say 'tiny star' or 'tiny x' so sweet. He had his blood pressure taken too and it was like 80 over 50 which is the lowest reading I've ever heard...ah, again, so sweet.

Anyway, they're healthy and hopefully (ya right) we won't see Dr. S for another year:)

These next photos are of Owen pretending with his dragons, prince and he took Maya's princess to be rescued...

Then Maya took it back.

These next ones are from today. Maya dressed her baby in her own clothes and was very frustrated when they didn't fit right. (Maya also got three shots today so she was a little more emotional than usual)

We did some coloring outside. We were drawing on inspiration from our surroundings. I drew the blue grass and then Owen told me to draw Star's poop so that's the orange blob in the grass...

Owen took this one of my feet...

And then he told me and Maya to make a funny face...

Maya took this last one...pretty good huh!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Oaks Park

Last week we went to a little amusement park in Portland. Owen told me over and over how fun it was and Maya really only enjoyed the train ride and playing in the picture place (see below). She actually got really scared and was crying hard on the Lewis & Clark ride, as a giant bear roared meanly and loudly right next to the ride was in the dark. Oops.

Before we left Maya was toting her favorite birthday present bag around.

Us on the train...

M on the carousel...

O liked it better...

Rocket ride...

Motorbike ride...Maya asked to get off right before it started:)

Maya's favorite part of the park:)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mauricio's a U.S. Citizen party

Our friend Mau, from Guatemala, finally became a U.S. citizen so they threw a little party to celebrate. Mau, you probably remember, sang at our wedding and is married to Josie, our good friend we made in the Peace Corps. OM love their kids, Jasmine & Anabelle...we had a super time:)

Maya on the swing with Jasmine...

Maya ready to eat...

Jasmine loves to pick her up...

Jasmine & Maya

Josie & Anabelle

Saying goodbye...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Maya's two!

I'm scared I may be deposed as resident blogger after W took the reigns yesterday. It's the best thing I've ever read; I cried hard and laughed hard the whole time. W's certain I'm the only one that will/did react that way but if you holler that you want him back as principal Chronicles blogger, I completely understand. He's good.

So this is our sweet little two-year-old in her new birthday dress she got from g'parents May:) She loves it.

That night we went to the drive-in with our friends, The Stablers:)

Owen & Amelia

Maya and her princess napkins; getting ready for cupcakes...

Singing happy birthday...she loved it. They had a little celebration for her at preschool and her teachers told me she loved it there too.

Owen & Eli

Maya let Amelia brush her hair and put barrettes and headbands in it too. I wish I were so lucky.

All the kids in their jammies waiting for Ice Age 3 to start.

Finally it's dark! It didn't start until after 9:00 p.m...O stayed up the whole time but the rest of us fell asleep:)