Saturday, September 18, 2010

Chinese Classical Garden

Since Grandpa is visiting we decided to check out the Chinese Garden here in Portland. OM had been before but it was my (and my dad's) first time.

It gorgeous and amazing that it's right in the middle of the city. You'd never think that while you're inside it.

(what maya looked like last time she visited - Jan. '09)

(and what Owen looked like)

(O in the past again:)

Friday, September 10, 2010

sewing and stenciling

A little recap of things I've been sewing around here. 

I finally sewed a bag using this tutorial from Noodlehead.
It was for one of Owen's preschool teachers that he's had since he started at age 2. She followed him to three different classrooms. I didn't really realize I was THAT sad about it until we gave her the bag and then I had to excuse myself because I thought I was really going to lose it. 
Happily, Owen is staying at his fancy little private school for kindergarten too so we'll still see her lots.

and some KitKats for the outside pocket.

I sewed this dress out of

this t-shirt using this tutorial from MADE. And a little freezer paper stenciling:)

And I made that skirt up there but never got a chance to take the finished photo. 

Basically I made a lot of ruffly layers of chiffon...

and sewed them onto this skirt I made out of layers...

of organic, unbleached muslin using another pattern from MADE.
I made it for my niece but I'm going to make one for Maya too so then I'll have 'after' photos.

I made this dress out of...

this pillowcase sitting so lonely and unused in the linen closet.
This was inspired by the Craft Hope book and blog. I'm having a little get together in October with some mamas to make a whole bunch to donate. It's a quick and fun little project.

Then of course I've been freezer paper stenciling. 
This shirt O drew for his cousin...

And some baby gifts too...

I stenciled the tushes too:)

For this pair I decided to sew a little heart of the owl print on the booty. :)

Have you seen these little organic onesie's @ Target? They just need a wash and a little personalization and they're the perfect little gift.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

a little of this and a little of that...

Hijole! It's September. Good grief. I'm just barely getting my summer groove on here in glorious PDX. I don't want it to end. Thankfully I love Fall next after Summer so I'll be okay.

Bike riding has been on the agenda more of late. Neither kid is really that into it so we do all the encouraging but they like it once it gets going. Maya really needs a bike b/c that little trike can't really take her super fast peddling. She's turfed it and almost turfed it too many times.

No summer vacation plans this year so for one night we joyfully slept under the stars in our own backyard. I couldn't stop staring at the stars so I got close to no sleep and then it got a bit cold so we were in one big lump the next morning but OM are good campers.

(This is what we looked like last time we camped in the backyard in 2008.)

Tuckered O.

My two latest books. Love them.

If you need a new record, here ya go.
Before having kids, Woody and I had the pleasure of seeing T.S. perform and he's the real deal.  I love that this record is called the Excitement Plan because who doesn't need one of those? And don't get me wrong, I love to wallow, frolic even, in my complaint rock but sometimes a little excitement is in order. Check it out from the library if you don't want to commit to the $$ first. I promise you'll buy it though.

Everyone's booties are getting bigger (yes, mine too, sheesh!) so they got some new 'roo's. So a little booty shakin' was in order to make sure they could hold their stuff. 
They can. :)