Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Love notes

Owen was asleep.
Woody was asleep.

I was grading papers in bed.
Maya was quietly doing something in her room.

It was 9:30 pm.

Then my sweet little girl sashayed into our bedroom with those two index cards up there. She gave me mine and then set two she had made for Woody on his side of the dresser.

I want to squeeze her so hard sometimes she's so adorable. 
I would love for her to be asleep at a normal five-year-old bedtime but if she's gonna stay awake at least it was to create something so sweet.

The next morning (today) Woody left notes for them next to their breakfast dishes (he generally leaves before they wake up).

That is Owen playing Wallball and the waterfall is one of his new moves.

Maya's was a picture of her favorite swimming move, the cannon ball.

Owen came downstairs first and saw the notes and started cracking up.
Those are the sweet moments you hold on to.

Owen created that zombie platypus up there and now wants to make a real life version. He's still trying to figure out the materials he needs to pull it off.

The purple house is a frequent drawing of Maya's (tho the colors change).
I smile ear to ear every time I see her draw a house with a big fat heart in the middle of it.
There's no place like home.

And, finally,
I leave you with Owen's Christmas Wish List. 
It's double-sided and now onto a third page.
Sweet kid:)

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