Monday, September 7, 2009

labor day weekend

labor day weekend 2009 rules! we've had the best time, filled with good, good friends we haven't seen in so long and friends we see regularly but love them all with our whole hearts. we went to the Portland Children's Museum and OMSI this weekend and, as always, it's cool to see what OM do in those environments. fun, fun, fun...

these first ones are from CM2. Owen with a clam and baby sis with a seal.

O brushing the croc's teeth.

Maya and Woody painted their faces...exploring clay.

O made a pile of snakes.


Water play.

O liked putting the shark in the purple thing and then ripping it out when it spun by.

O following in G'pa Bart's footsteps.

Their kinda-matching monkey jackets.

Checking out the cool gas sphere @ OMSI.

Maya running to check out the alligators.
Entering the reptile exhibit.

Maya checking out a snake.

And eating an oh-so-healthy snack (which she loved and devoured)...

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