Friday, May 1, 2009

My grandmother, OM's great-grandmother ♥

Times like these, when my kids are sicker than I can bear (I really can't bear much), it helps to have a sense of humor and an optimistic outlook.  I naturally lack both but have been urging all the cells, molecules and thoughts in my body to forgo their worrying ways and not think too much about the "what-ifs."

All this worrying has me thinking a lot about my grandmother.  She's a worrier and I'm sure I inherited it from her:) Grandmommy, as we lovingly refer to her, is a sweet and loving soul, and I cherish her company. She loves to talk and I love to listen to her stories.  My favorite thing about her is she is who she is and doesn't try to be anything's really refreshing.  I wish OM could hang out with her more...hopefully one day:)

But I also think about how much harder it must have been for her when her kids were sick...she couldn't do frantic google searches about swine flu or run down to Target to stock-up on Tylenol/Ibuprofen, humidifiers, and lotion-coated Kleenex.  So, I'm grateful for the times I'm in (mostly).

Today is a tough day for her because five years ago today my grandfather passed away.  He was the best grandfather; so kind and loving and I always loved the way he smelled.  When he smiled at me I felt loved to the core.  

They married young and remained happily married and in love 'til grandaddy's last day. They were surely soul-mates and she misses him dearly.

I love you grandmommy and miss you both...


carrie said...

That was an extra sweet post Kristen. I've never known anyone who worries as much as Grandmommy. If it were an Olympic event she would win the Gold for sure! We miss her and Grandaddy very much.

Now, about posting old pictures of family members....well, that wasn't so sweet. Why did I ever wear my hair like that?!

kristen said...

I love your hair like that!! You look so sweet in that made me happy so I posted it. I just found one of you and Maisie when Maisie was about Maya's age and they look so similar. It's coming next!!